Thursday, December 07, 2006


Ok I have been slack on my blog.....
A whole hoast of things have happened and I have been busy living rather than writing about it but now i have a spare half hour to put a few things down for anyone who still reads this!

Not sure i have much of a readership but still ... This blog is for my benefit aswell.

Ok since last I wrote I have hada great night out with Adriana where we met "Minty".
He is a psychic medium and very interesting to talk to.
A little bit of drama when all the lights in the house went out and we had to fumble around in the dark with fuses and candles:)
A day where I was in charge of my department... Everything went well... no big problems.
Shopping. Worrying about Presents for people.. Getting back to Work.
And fun with trains and busses which seem to disregard timetables.
Adriana has started her new job and it sounds that there is a lot to organise but she gets to call all the shots and do it her way which, listening to her talk about how the place was run, it really needs.

I haven't been checking the site much or chatting on MSN either ... but if you had as great a girl as i do, i think you would be a little lax in that department aswell.

OK thats my update for now.. catch you round.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! New personal relationship, and for Adriana, new job and change of residence. That pretty well covers the top three BIG changes a person experiences normally. You two have lots and lots of fun!