Thursday, December 21, 2006

Old -> New

K'UN - The Receptive

"Bear with things as the earth bears with us: by yielding, by accepting, by nourishing."

Yule - Shortest day; longest night. The beginning of the return.

Darkness - light rising. A turning point of the year. Time to plan for the future. What will be?

Old -> New

It seems that things that had been planned are no longer the plan. Things change and so must we. The plan may have been a stepping stone or a guide for what may be. Symbolic rather than actual. Now is the time to flow, accept and steer cautiously.
Holding on to a past Idea will only cause suffering and misery. Graciously accepting the way things are will allow you to live fully and make what you can with what you have.

Quote: Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. - Theodore Roosevelt

Live life now. There is no other time.

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