Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Some Time

Self-Explanation (ie. making excuses)

It has been a while since I last posted an entry on this site. In fact it has been a while since I did any writing except for a few entries in my RL diary.

Why? I could blame distractions, or work, or moving to a new flat in a new city. But the main reason is because I simply did not make time for it.
I know that no matter what the situations are, unless they are prety dire, you can always make time for blogging and catching up on the day.
I know I will miss the past few months of no entries when I look back on this blog. A short while ago we had a look through some of the older entries and the amount of memories that were triggered simply by reading my own thoughts at the time were astounding.
And that from a guy who has a selective memory. I did set out for this blog to be an aid to my memory and a think pad of my thoughts but with all tools they must be used to be useful.
Therefore, I shall start again.
There is no use trying to recap the last couple of months. Suffice to say all is well and things are, as always, great. :)

First entry in some time

Last weekend, sunday to be precise, I had my Reiki initiation. I am now a fledgling healer:) Practicing on myself and the cats and sometimes Adriana. The more I do, the better I get.

Had a wonderful Bank holiday. Went to see my mother and had a nice chat and catch up. Even the fact that the wind destroyed their gazebo/sun-shade didn't marr the day, just made it funny.
Met one of the fattest dogs on earth and tried to give it some exercise.
Had some craziness with "The Missing Pencil-sharpener"; much drama and divers alarums.
Now I have a niggling cold which A assures me is due to the initiation. Also following initiations can be more craziness etc.
Heh, talking of craziness, don't mention the butter!

On to the more spiritual side of things. I have been keeping up my reading and meditation. If there is one thing that a train commute is good for it's the opportunity to sit quietly with no distractions. I find it a little funny how so many people can sit in such a small space and Not-talk to each other. But then again this is Britain:)

Lastly, I have been trying to maintain the meditative state whilst going about my daily life. Harder than it sounds, but worth it i think.

Thats it for now. Take care and take it easy.

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