Poly Paradise?
I used to think that not one person can be 'enough', especially over a long period of time in a relationship. Everyone has different aspects to their selves....and it used to seem that no one individual could compliment that long term. I changed my thinking on that, I have all I want with someone now. The idea though is certainly still very interesting to me.
It seems, and I could be wrong that polyamory is more prominent in the pagan community (I am including the majority of the occult community in pagan-there are those calling themselves 'mystic christians' who practice occultism heavily but don't get umbrellered in the term pagan, plus others). For some perhaps polyamory comes about in paganism as a side effect of their path, such as their partner not being apart of their new beliefs and finding someone to share them with, perhaps its from sex magick (though using sex magick as a means to get laid isnt what its all about, though it would be easy for boundaries to become blurred and eventually a love connection evolving), perhaps it's because pagans have 'got it' and polyamory really is the way to go, maybe pagans are generally more open to new ways of being, perhaps pagans are searching hardest of all.
I wonder if polyamory just stems from an unhappiness ultimately with the 'main' person you're with, and feeling unable to remove yourself from the situation for a variety of reasons, and then polyamory just 'suits' both parties well in those circumstances. I know a few people in rl who polyamory seems to work great for, and I know much more people online who do it. In the past I have wondered that perhaps they were just more emotionally developed people, on the other hand perhaps they're the most emotionally unstable. Who knows, I don't suppose it matters. But for those who polyamory really works for, the ones who are actually polyamorous (both partners knowledgable of this and not one person just having an affair and calling it so) and still have a wonderful loving relationship with their 'main' partner, I think that's great.
But...can you ever really find what you're looking for in another when it's within you along.
Article: Polyamory In The Pagan Community
Photograph by Rhonda Miller
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