Yesterday my Lady went for her interview and today she got the job!
- Much rejoicing -
Also today i picked up my diary after almost a week ... it wasn't ammused at the break in entries... * feels guilty*
I have ben given some topics to write about today .. Structure/ Habit/ Discipline.
Now, structure is - The interrelation or arrangement of parts in a complex entity: political structure; plot structure.
Considering your self as a "complex entity" anything you learn or experience becomes a part of you. It is how you relate these new things to the whole of yourself which gives rise to the structure and ultimately the person you are.
When learning anything new i think the process is Learn, Know, Understand, Become.
Become is the stage where it is fully a part of you.
Habit is something that is done without thought. Something which is a part of you, something that you have become.
Many people put a negative tint on the word Habit but there can be many good habits, otherwise known as customs if socially imposed or practices if good personal traits.
Habits however may become necesities, addictions or unhealthy compulsions. Which brings us to Discipline. You are the Master (or Mistress) of your own mind and what you say is Law. What you put in you get back out. If you train yourself with a good solid groundwork of basics before shooting for the moon you will be far less likely to come crashing back down again. Also, after crashing, with the basics in place you are more able to understand and deal with the fall out.