Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Yesterday my Lady went for her interview and today she got the job!

- Much rejoicing -

Also today i picked up my diary after almost a week ... it wasn't ammused at the break in entries... * feels guilty*

I have ben given some topics to write about today .. Structure/ Habit/ Discipline.

Now, structure is - The interrelation or arrangement of parts in a complex entity: political structure; plot structure.

Considering your self as a "complex entity" anything you learn or experience becomes a part of you. It is how you relate these new things to the whole of yourself which gives rise to the structure and ultimately the person you are.
When learning anything new i think the process is Learn, Know, Understand, Become.
Become is the stage where it is fully a part of you.
Habit is something that is done without thought. Something which is a part of you, something that you have become.

Many people put a negative tint on the word Habit but there can be many good habits, otherwise known as customs if socially imposed or practices if good personal traits.

Habits however may become necesities, addictions or unhealthy compulsions. Which brings us to Discipline. You are the Master (or Mistress) of your own mind and what you say is Law. What you put in you get back out. If you train yourself with a good solid groundwork of basics before shooting for the moon you will be far less likely to come crashing back down again. Also, after crashing, with the basics in place you are more able to understand and deal with the fall out.

Monday, November 27, 2006


Ok what is normal?

The dictionary says normal is - Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical: normal room temperature; one's normal weight; normal diplomatic relations.

So normal is conforming to a norm ... very helpful!

Norm - A standard, model, or pattern regarded as typical: the current middle-class norm of two children per family.

So normal is conforming to a pattern regarded as typical...

Typical - Exhibiting the qualities, traits, or characteristics that identify a kind, class, group, or category: a typical suburban community.

So normal is conforming to the qualities, traits or characteristics of a group.

From that no-one can be "normal" they have to be a normal *something*

Unless you imply i am normal to mean i am a normal person ....
which opens up a whole other bag of questions ....
What is a normal person?

The answer given will probably be "Me"

Link: Beat Government Censorship!
This sounds cool ... but i wonder if the computer leting people access the rest of the net will be vunerable from those using it ...

You scored as Buddhism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Buddhism. Do more research on Buddhism and possibly consider becoming Buddhist, if you are not already.

In Buddhism, there are Four Noble Truths: (1) Life is suffering. (2) All suffering is caused by ignorance of the nature of reality and the craving, attachment, and grasping that result from such ignorance. (3) Suffering can be ended by overcoming ignorance and attachment. (4) The path to the suppression of suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path, which consists of right views, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right-mindedness, and right contemplation. These eight are usually divided into three categories that base the Buddhist faith: morality, wisdom, and samadhi, or concentration. In Buddhism, there is no hierarchy, nor caste system; the Buddha taught that one's spiritual worth is not based on birth.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with

Hehehehe a Buddhist/islamic/satanist :)

Oh, One more thing : FreeCycling!

Anyone else think this is the best solution to landfill?
We should have it everywhere.

Ok better go ... am getting mobbed by someone desperate to read this! :P

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Having been brought up with a strong influence of paganism and magick, at least on my mothers side it's interesting when contrasting stories of childhood to those who had a 'normal' upbringing. The most influential aspect for me was the Goddess influence, being raised knowing about Her. When I was growing up aspects of womanhood were always explained in a sacred context. It's such a shame how women generally tend to regard their cycles negatively and I wonder if many women would have the same gynaelogical health issues that seem to be so common now if they were able to view their bodies in a positive, sacred way.

I am aware that my mum held back a fair amount though, due to the general stigma surrounding occultism, especially when you add children into the mix, it suddenly becomes a cult case and child abuse. But, the influence and knowledge I was given has been much appreciated, and when I have children I would like to be able to show the same belief options. Also to teach about the natural environment, the wheel of the year and festivals seperate to the Christians ones.

Onto regular news stuff, am all moved in now :) Got an interview on Wednesday, and hopefully this week to chill which is much needed after the month I've had. Would love to be able to write more about this weekend, but it's pretty much not appropriate, suffice to say it's been amazing, and I'm happy.

Wonderful weekend

*crawls from bed*
*gets to computer*
We have had a wonderful weekend together and the best thing about it is that my Lady is not going home tomorrow!
She is already home:)

Prety much everything else has gone out of the window this weekend. Should get back to Work.
Should keep on top of this blog too.. don't want to be like Adriana and let it slide:P
Ok enough for now ..maybe some more later.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

One Day!

Ok tomorrow my Lady moves in .....

- Scene Deleted -

I'm sure you didn't want to see me running around shouting all crazy like ...

I can't wait.
I haven't been thinking about much else recently.
Work - progressing slowly.
Job - interesting developments ... all hush hush atm ... ;)
Studies - Have been reading up on Teamwork and building teams recently, looking at it from a few different angles. Will post some of my thoughts when i can eventually collect them and stop thinking about other things ..

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!
- Wren and Stimpy

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Nothing Much..

Almost died of laughter earlier...
The video titled "Rat Shoot Rangers" had me laughing so much i could hardly breathe...
See what you think ... *Bookmarks the page*

Other than that it's been quite a quiet day.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Tower and God particle

I think ths is going to be a short blog .. i have been on a late evening shift and have litle time to the deadline!

So, first up ... Woke up to the sound of a chan-saw .. most disconcerting!
Now we have one less tree in the back garden.

*quietly mourns for the loss of the tree*

But it was getting too dominant and cutting of the light to the other plants ..

Drew the Tower to contemplate today .. most fitting

All things pass and are reborn anew .. destruction heralds re-growth

Link:Scientists look for God
I find this stuff fascinating matter is created from energy and how these exotic particles affect the universe but are undetectable...
Simply fascinating.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Mentors...Motivation and Going The Distance

Was having a think about Orders recently and the hopes that many pin upon joining a group. Everyone in the beginning has lovely ideas of what a group may involve if they have been solitary, and many look upon a group as giving them knowledge, rather than them eventually acquiring it through the Work. Often is the case where there are some members who are not your 'cup of tea' either. I've heard various occultists say different things on that point on both sides of the coin, either work with them-you're not going to like everyone and it is part of the process, or find a group that fits you, you shouldn't have to work with those you don't like. Either are good answers, and some could go endlessly from group to group trying to find the 'perfect' one, or perhaps they just start their own ;)

But the point is, there is one I promise, is we often place hopes upon external influences and then take a knocking when it doesn't quite work out. That's life and all that business, but in the occult world does it make some turn their backs? How about mentors, it seems the same type of circumstances to me as groups, expecting something from another, not realising that the real Work is done alone. That is a pretty lonely realisation, occult life can be very lonely, no one has the same path as you, yours is always a little different, but when you meet someone or people who share the same interests then it can be pretty special, just watch the egos though :)

When the things you placed hopes upon don't work out, how do you stay motivated? For me, when I have had a situation where I've left something behind I've set up a new structure, usually with more in it, being aware that it can be easy to just be in a lull. The experience of leaving a group can be bad enough, and can have all sorts of feelings attached to it, feeling lost in yourself isn't one worth adding to the mix. Then when you look back a little while after you can re-evaluate, but throwing yourself into your Work at the time can be comforting, and it starts to take little twists and turns of its own, smoothing out a new path.

And here's a lil quiz:

You scored as Violent. You are violent. To you there is nothing better than a good spank. You like scratching and biting 'cause that's what people are for.

















What is your sexual style?
created with

The World is Mental!

Ok a few links to start off:
Funny sketch of interview
This actually made me fall of my chair!

Phones cause ear dammage!
I'm sure we have all had this happen at one time or another and now its a medical thing!
Patient: Hey, Doc, My ear heeps ringing.
Doctor: Oh, what does it sound like?
Patient: *Hums Nokia tune*

One cool free dl site
Now this site looks prommising and the more people that g there the better it becomes .. Free Tech!! Gotta love it:)

A Great Calvin and Hobbes strip
What can i say ... Calvin and Hobbes rule.

Also on that Found Site

Is beautiful pic .. makes me think of The Fool card ; Innocence on the path

Talking about Tarot:
A Quick look at the Knight of Swords ... my card:)

I have recently been thinking about thinking ... hehehehe a circular sentence if ever i saw one.

But, the more you think of something the more you see it. The more you focus on things the mopre they appear in your life.. Worrying about lack of money will assuredly mean that you will be strugling for money. Insulting and looking down on other people, even only mentaly, will cause more people to get on your nerves and anger you.

The thoughts you have affect the world. The more you concentrate on them the stronget the effect.

Why? I remember reading somewhere the phrase "The World is Mental" which made me laugh so much .. imagining the world running around in a straight jacket ... but seriously the world is made up of the same stuff as us and it's basis is ..... thought energy..Ok we cannot understand all that information directly so we have filters and symbols and a way of percieving the world that we can relate to... But the more we understand, then the more we can see.

This sea of information can be called the astral plane or the Dreaming or a host of other names but it all ammounts to the same thing. Our thoughts are part of the curent and therefore affect the whole.
So next time you have something you want to do think about the goal and sollutions. Don't focus on the problems because if you do then you will end up hitting one wal after another and the biggest irony is ... You put them there!

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Note to self - I want an answer to life the universe and everything bu the end of next week. And don't give me any of that 49 crap from hitch-hikers!

Giving yourself a goal and setting a deadline is one of the most effective ways of making something happen. Methods used to achieve that end are ... endless and some work better than others but on the whole the main framework is the goal/deadline.

Although, sometimes, the goal can be an open ended one.
Goal: write this blog
Deadline: 12 midnight

Yee gads! how long? quick write some spraff about anything. what anything? I don't know just write dammit!!
People are depending on you! aaarrghh .. too much pressure!! gonna snap ...
Ach hold on there sonny jim you can take it ... just buckle up your safety pen and get to it.

Ok sorry... A momentary lapse in sanity ... doesn't happen often .. honest ..
Ooohhh a link : Random Note
Just makes me chuckle .. found in Homeymoon haven ... priceless

Appart from that the day has been strange .... day off work due to illness...
studying and practicing a bit of stuff..
Phone chat and funky stuff on the web ..

Yup theres the deadline gotta go .. don't want to miss the boat... I should really put more thought into these posts :)


Someone has been playing with their paint programme..

At last

Today I actually have a day off, a day off that does not involve car trips to fetch furniture from the old house, sitting on hold on the phone speaking to people to sort out addresses and new details, or unpacking and re-arranging. Have had a crazy week at work, almost 50 hours, and am pretty much shattered, but did get a nice lie in today. I'm glad I have less than a week before I leave, wanting to be somewhere else really makes a girl impatient. I was never very good at patience either. This weekend, am going to do some clever packing, a fair amount of my temple stuff is already there, but there are some bits left to take, I guess robes are not priority and can wait a month or so till all my stuff gets moved. I think a certain someone shall never have to buy occult/magick books again, reading mine will take quite some time I think:)

Hmmm, other things of interview has been moved a little, which works out much better, am now guaranteed a day or two to sort myself out and settle in, perhaps even unpack neatly so I don't create an area of chaos that seems to come so naturally.

Someone I know is getting initiated today.....and that brought me back round to pondering that subject, is a favourite of mine. I have had a fair number of initiations myself, and actually none of which were self-initiations which is possibly odd, not sure. So there more initiations someone has, does it change their treatment of it in terms of preparation? Personally, I am all for fasting before hand, and have done so on all my initiations. It is nice if it is possible to be alone as much as can be for a day or so prior. In any case, we have had some interesting topics of conversation this week, from serpents and kundalini, triangles, holy trinities, general symbolism and the 'taking' of an initiation. I think out of all the initiations I have had, the first was the most impactful on my life, my Craft initiation, it started out the path I walk today, and it initiated a Goddess connection. An interesting thing I noticed as well when reading through my magickal diaries, all my initiations have been around Midsummer.

On another note, don't do that personality disorder quiz Ibard put up, it is clearly wrong, I know for a fact I am perfectly normal, and my results were trying to say otherwise :)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Half way between here and the land of Nod

Today was busy busy busy.

then i had a nice chat with Chloe and Claire.
Then an even nicer bath in which i fell asleep.

In some ways i like this feeling of being almost dreaming but still awake..
In others though .. its hard to think straight when you are trying to write a blog... I suppose free association might be an intersesting experiment .. but possibly utter nonsense to anyone else reading ..
oooo downloaded a funky programme today : PhraseExpress

will be playing with that for some time i think
heres my first test :

This is a test!

Do not be allarmed!

as for tests I did a little experiment thois morning which turned out quite well ... Will have to repeat and find outmore.

To sleep! perchance to dream:--ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
- Hamlet - Shakespeare

So goodnight to all and to all a good night ... where did that come from?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Smoking and Thinking

I have been thinking recently about smoking and Elemental Fire....

We breathe constaltly, putting us in touch with Air.
We drink regularly; thus Water.
Eating gives us some of the fibre asociatd with Earth .. also being in contact with the ground itself.
But Fire ... we have Heat and sunlight i suppose but smoking is much more direct. ... admittedly it isn't healthy but then neither is living. We all die of it some day:)

K also sent me a good book about Dream Yoga.. very interesting and Thank you K.

It is an area that i working on most nights and this gives me some more directions and ideas.
Know Thyself .. those words keep coming to mind.

Also Within seems to have gotten Quiet recently ... must try to initiate some thought provoking posts ....

Now all i have to do is think ...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Personality disordered!

Paranoid Personality Disorder:Low
Schizoid Personality Disorder:Low
Schizotypal Personality Disorder:Moderate
Antisocial Personality Disorder:Moderate
Borderline Personality Disorder:Low
Histrionic Personality Disorder:Low
Narcissistic Personality Disorder:Moderate
Avoidant Personality Disorder:Low
Dependent Personality Disorder:Low
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:Low

-- Take the Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Info --

So it is official .. a am moderately disordered:P

I like where it says Magical thinking is schizotypal!
as for Narcisism ... well i care what i look like ... at times ... when it counts..
Some times Impression is everything....
Antisocial ... hmmm well it says moderate so i can't be that dangerous right? :)

For another piece of news : Life Originated in Space!

Apparently these red cells came from a commet and could have been simmilar to ones that started the whole of life off..
Their paper
This has some interesting info in ... unfortunately no news yet on if they actually reproduce .. which would be the big step towards proving life can cross space..

Oh, just one more thing .. Borked! Heehehe this is my newest favorite word ... Am trying to fit it into conversations:)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Getting closer....

Things are progressing well, only 10 more days. Job stuff is looking promising too. Just getting things all tied up this end ready to leave, busy with all my regulars at work trying to get as many treatments in as possible before I go. Will miss some of them, known many for 5 years, almost friends even. But, am all excited for moving, can't wait even, not that I am inpatient of course.

Was thinking today about devotional paths and the relationship one has with their patron Deity, if gender is an issue. Can a woman ever have the same deep, almost closeness with a Deity of the opposite gender to them, and vice versa? Is it more a question and consideration of shadow issues which can influence a particular want/need in the type of way that develops? Do aspects of a Deity eventually fulfill an aspect of the Self, hence new visitations of new aspects of the Divine?

Monday, November 13, 2006


Back again after a lovely chat with my lady.

Feeling better already. I have written before on the pointlessness of comparing yourself with others but my mind is still playing that old game it seems.

At least once it is recognised it can be dealt with.

Just keep in mind that it is a long climb and if you worry about not being atthe top you will never get there.. Also it occurs to me that the old saying "it is the journey that counts, not the destination" has some relevance here .. althought i would argue over the destination being of some import... if you were traveling to the land of make believe faries then the journey would be .... pointless in any case so again it comes down to the journey being the thing.

And whilst on that journey you change and discover and overcome and al the other things you are supposed to do in a "Real" life ... not one spent devoted to the television andwhere you are going next weekend.

Am i comparing there? hmmm, point taken.

well thats my update for now.

The Doldrums

Today has been a strange day ... I am in the doldrums. The wind stopped blowing and the sea went still.
I am sitting in my boat, lost, without direction.
I knew it was comming some time but it still doesn't help:) A time of reflection and introspection.

Reading through my old blogs and my Diary will help me get some focus.

So off i go to work.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Party and rest

Last night was fun. I went to a friend from works wedding reception.

Imagine turning up to a room where there is only the bride that you know... Kinda weird feeling but in the end some more people from work turned up and we had a great time. It was so good that i even ended up drunken dancing... A sure sign that the party was good:)

I remember having many interesting conversations with people but am a little hazy over what the topics were ....
Some were about managing people, relationships, other people, marriage, and Doctor Who (with two very cute little children) I think their mother was glad to have them chirping on at someone else other than her for a while:)

No-one ended up in the fountain.

This morning was spent drinking lots of water and sleeping for almost 12 hours ... I needed some rest!

Ok, a few links for you all:
Panda Porn!
Storm on Saturn - mibi thats why we have all been a little ... out of sorts... changes and all..
Lincoln teaches how to use E-mail. - It goes for all non face to face communication
4 seconds may be too long. - hmm, how long does this page take to load?

Witch School-a public face of Wicca is an online Wiccan, pagan, magickal training programme, though it now has a physical campus. The idea is based around a mentor system and a degree structure with clergy, yep clergy and there's badges and everything. The tradition it teaches is Correlian. Anyways, I am not here to promote them, you can find out what they do easily enough, am just going to rant a lil about what is wrong with them and how it reflects upon Wicca as a whole.

Any new religion, and Wicca is only over 50 years old, is going to change, adapt and mould. It is pretty difficult to see though now, what Wicca really is. Not many Wiccans know either. A big appeal of Wicca is the devotional aspect that emphasises self development, perhaps the bigger appeal though is that compared to main stream religions it is very unstructured. Undoubtedly that's a good thing, but it doesn't take too long before people have developed their path so much it doesn't resemble Wicca at all and yet that is how they identify themselves. I shouldnt care, but it does give serious practioners of Wicca a bad name (though I personally don't/can't identify myself as Wiccan any longer). Some may go as far to say as the only 'real' Wiccans are Gardnerians. If you take a look at Witchvox and do a search for traditions there is just a crazy amount and after 5 minutes of reading through them it won't be long until you realise why Wicca isnt taken seriously anymore. Which brings us back round to Witchschool, a public face of Wicca, from the amount of press coverage it has been enjoying of late. Their personal press releases don't help matters, from the school being likened to Hogwarts. That kind of comparison, Wicca can do without, it is plenty hard enough already for the public to not equate Wicca to a fantasy based path.

But, it is really the way Witchschool goes about things, and much of that boils down to the issue of Wicca being a Mystery Tradition, or at least it was. These kinds of paths are not for everyone, there has always been some king of filtering process. Witchschool prides itself on training anyone, for a fee of course. Therefore, all kinds of people become a representation of the religion, as well as those who are able to pass multiple choice questons who then get to become clergy and have degree badges. But, I guess there was a gap waiting to be filled of 13 year old High Priests. It is certainly a worry for those who may put trust in these on-line trained High Priests and Priestesses, the skills learnt and developed in pagan paths are not from online reading and multiple choice.

There's a ton of other stuff that is wrong with Witchschool and the set-ups that will undoubtedly follow, but neither will there be a perfect tradition or religion for that matter. It's not the religion that I have a problem with, I love Wicca infact, is just the Wiccans I guess and the mess that's gettin made. Hopefully though, Wicca will evolve into something beautiful again, and the Harry Potter types will move on soon enough.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Know Thyself

Ok I have been up too long reading and thinking and chatting and Not Writing.

Will have to call off the whole NaNoWriMo thing ... I am simply too lazy and unwilling to devote time to it...
Ah well.

Have been thinking about "Know Thyself" .... Had a little chat with my brother about; What, why, who and how...

Was interesting.

One link for you all: False Guru Test

Also another point to think about: What does a Capital Space look like?
for example lower case c, Capital C ... so what about spaces?? What should happen in the screen if i hold down Shift Space?

A modern Koan for you all:) Unless you think it an entirely useless question ... ahh well...

Oh, just one more thing ( I just love Columbo/ Peter Falk) I have decided to stop using "de-qualifiers" in my writing/ speach .... phrases like "i feel" tend to strip what i am actually saying into a pointless waste of words ...

Contrast - "I feel that people should be judged on their merits and flaws alone"

With - "People should be judged on their merits and flaws alone"

Have i got my point across?

If i sound more opinionated then that is not my intention but getting my thought across is ...

It's love when he lets you write blog entries y'know

Since I am possibly the worlds worst blogger I'll just ease myself in all gentle like. But....few entries in and I may get taken off from jealousy on Mr Ibard's part. I know he will not be able to stand me writing better blogs than him :)

I would like to have this blog as a mix of occult based entries and regular life ones. At the moment 'regular' life is demanding my attention until I am moved and settled, is difficult waiting to be where you want to be...who you want to be with. 2 weeks though...not much longer to wait. Still, shows my dedication to my path when I still do what needs to be done magickally despite the circumstances. But, that's what magick and the Path is about, being as dedicated when things are not running as smooth. Anyone can be doing the right stuff in the easy times after all. By things not being 'easy' right now, I merely mean the amount of change that my life is going through, but everything is going exactly as it should be, how it is meant, and I am crazy happy.

Here's a linky to an occultists blog I enjoy reading: Magickal Thought

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Return of the Cold

I thought I had it Beat but it came back on me...
Damn cold ... I try to concentrate on studying and it makes me wander ... I really should be able to concentrate more than this.

Haven't had time to work on that purpose idea from yesterday ..

In short today was a bit of a non-action day ...

And something relating to an earlier post this week :

You Are 50% Selfish

You are quite balanced. You are able to compromise when it's in the best interests of those involved.
But you're no pushover. If something is important to you, you'll get it!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Mr. M, Fight! and Purpose.

Ok, Back to the Blog.
Unprofessional, unfocussed, unaware .. un-everything that a blog should be i guess .. but hey it's just my mind rambling on most of the time and when i have a fair to middling day there is not so much to write about..

So lets write about some1 else ...
Lets call him Mr. M. Now this Guy ALways moans. About everything... He slacks off at work and then moans that there is too much to do... well of course there is because you have been sitting on your arse all morning not keeping up with the workload.. Moans that he doesn't get his breaks ..What break can you have from piddling around doing nothing? And then Moans that the place is a mess when it's his job to keep it organised! .. well some people want to make their life a Drama...
it only makes everyone want to piss him off even more ..

Anyway ..

Hmmmm when is a fight not a fight?
Link: Fight Club with Bunnies!
When it is training? When it is play?
When you are not trying to gain Power over the opponent... I think that is the main key to a fight.

Link:Your Life Purpose
Now this looks interesting ... would have to play with it a little but .. looks interesting...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Body language and power

Something i have been reading about lately is how to interpret and understand someones body language and tone of voice.. and how to effect yours to emphasise your mesage.

Seeing as how over half of all communication is this non-verbal variety it is surprising that more people do not look into it.. Not surprising that they do not teach it at school because, lets face it, school is only for you to pass some exams and not for actual practical implementation in the real world.

To look at it one way i suppose it is a good thing.. an ace in the hole for the type of person who wants to look into this sort of thing that the mundane masses cannot be bothered to learn about something that affects them so much and how they are giving away more than they know when in contact with someone with this knowledge.
to get control you need power, to get power you need understanding ... to get understanding ... you must cultivte knowledge and apply it- and then learn from your results..

- Evil laugh -

But really, I'm a nice person.. honest.

I am selfish! so sue me.

Back again after a little ritual and some dinner.

Julie and my brother came around after that ... asking for some money for the bed i am using at the moment... Well I did get money from richard by selling it to him in the first place .... I am tempted to say OK here you go keep the bed .. but you are going to have to take it now..

I don't think he is going to get anything off me for quite some time and by then I'll have moved out and won't need the bed so he can happily keep it then.
At the moment my money is tied up in other things and he just wants money to buy silly toys to play with. My need is greater so :P

If i sound selfish then that is because I am:)

I'm Back!

Ok I am alive... my short nap turned into a 12 hour zonk out. Really hit me did that cold .... It has all but cleared up now, just got to get rid of the sore throat and i am back to my full healthy self.

Only glad that it didn't hit me like that over the weekend!

Monday, November 06, 2006


Ugg ... Have cold .. am tired .. will have short nap and return later.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Weekend catch up

Saturday: we found our new flat! Have to wait till the end of november, then the fun really begins... All that packing and moving and unpacking... Getting new furniture and sorting out he phone line..
But it will all be worth it.

Sent a few CV's off for my Lady's new job hunt. Shouldn't be too long till we hear back from them..

Poor Stitch is all affeared of the fireworks... He has spent most of the night tucked away in the smallest nooks and crannies he can find.

Sunday: A nice relaxing day with nothing to do. Talk, reading, eating out and making love.
Beautiful ... Every day should be like this :)

Have not wrote a single thing for my story this weekend but i don't feel bad about it .. I'll catch up later.. I had more important things to do with my time.

Electricity improves memory: Link - Note this does not mean you plug yourself up to the wall.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Carlos, get out of my Head!

Today is another rush job.
I have not written a single thing on my NaNoWriMo story ... am already getting worried that i am going to fail miserably .... but it can all turn around right?

Stone Henge isn't the best tourist attraction in the world.

Carlos Castaneda keeps entering my thoughts ... an odd sensation :) Him and his second attention! Ah well even he would get weirded out by the dream i had last night ... A floating Lego Dinosaur?
It's not right i tell you .. not natural:)

heh try this for a laugh: Sledge game

Also i will be a little busy this weekend.... My Lady is coming to visit and we will be looking around for job opportunities.

What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.

You are a very grounded, responsible, and realistic person. People may not want to hear the truth from you, but they're going to get it.

You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.

Your near future is likely to be filled with great successes and accomplishments. You just need to figure out how to get there.

For you, falling in love is all about the adventure and uncertainty. You can only fall in love with someone who keeps you guessing.

I'll see if i get chance to pop on at the wekend though .. just for you:)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Sailing away on a lovely day

Ok my blog is going to be short today .. I am strugling with my story... 971 words so far ... too many to go!
Am also feeling slightly off either ill or unbalanced slightly....don't know what it is yet and hope it isn't too bad ... will do a little meditation on the subject later ... see whats up...

Other things ..Life seems to be opening up and flowing for me .. all kinds of little things that could have easily gone another way have decided to flow mine. I guess something i did worked:)
But let us not be hasty ... things can change at any time... I'm just enjoying the ride at the moment. When it's time to re-set the sails or start paddling then i'll be ready to focus on the next thing.
Whatever that may be.

Damn my dog is such a wuss.. will not leave my side because of the fireworks ... wonder what he will be like this weekend....

So now begins the dark half of the year... Just remember your candles people:)