Today i have a more traditional diary entry to post.
No more Love
Today my Ex tried to get back together with me .. using any and all ways she could think of.
Now, if i wasn't expecting something like this i may have given in to a small concession ... say go on a date or go for a drive.... But the slippery slope always starts somewhere and i know that it would inevitably return to where we were before.
So i said no, no, no and no again. Then i had to use the one truth i was trying to keep from her.... I no longer love her.. I care ... but i will no longer be manipulated .. and the only reason i don't just use her and leave her hanging on for sex is because i care and i know she would do better on her own .. or even with someone else .. she is very dependant .. Also just using her for sex would end up getting tied into more anyway ... she has a habbit of drawing more out of you than you wanted to give ...
AAAArg! Leachy psychic vampire lady!
So i stood my ground, and couldn't help but feel wretched afterward. But i know it is better this way ... And if she decides to hate me ... so be it, if that's what she needs.
- So, can i get of this couch now, Doc?
Back to School
Asside from the ameteur dramatics, I have added another blog link to my slowly growing web.. This one is a bunch of self help ideas and i find some of them fascinating ... One this person had was to plan some time each week as if you were at school ... Maths lessons , your own P.E. class, maybe learn a new langage, listen to different music read a Classic book .. and i can see that idea being quite productive. It folows on from the number one must do thing - keep a daily planner.
what would my sylabus look like?
Monday: Literature, Art, Lunch, Kabbalah, Altered states of conciousness
Tuesday: Music appreciation/ creation, Mathematics(logic and mental arythmetic), Lunch, Meditation, Nordic Runes
Wednesday: German, English Lit., Lunch, Afternoon off - Night: Lucid Dreaming
Thursday: P.E.(cross country Dog walking), I.T.(exploring the internet), Lunch, Tarrot, Healing
Friday: Design(building stuff), Science(making stuff go boom), Lunch, Visualisation, Rituals.
Heh, Hogwarts meets Evesham High :)